An integral part of the continuous improvement process relating to the CEAB graduate attribute (GA) framework, is the need to collect ongoing data on the overall performance of students in our courses in terms of the 12 graduate attributes. To meet this goal, a minimum of two GA indicators have been identified in every ECE course and those have been listed on the course outline, beginning in Fall 2019.
Instructors should identify one (or more) activities within their course that relate to the indicators and report on the overall performance of students for each one using the methodology described below. While these activities could be specific questions (or parts of questions) from a term test or final examination, it is strongly recommended that at least one assessment be from a different source. This will help to ensure that a range of activities are being sampled over time.
Student performance should be binned into the following four categories:
- Strong
- Competent
- Developing
- Needs Work
It is up to the instructor to determine what each of those bins mean in the context of the activity.
- Course number.
- The GA indicator being assessed. (ex. IN.2 or DE.2)
- Total number of students assessed in the activity.
- The number of students in each of the four assessment categories.
(Strong, Competent, Developing, Needs Work) - A copy of the instructions given to the students for the activity from which the assessment is drawn.
(ex. Assignment question, laboratory activity, test question, project report, etc.) - A brief description of how a student’s performance mapped to the four categories.
Course: ECE 3760
Indicator: DE.2 – Use an appropriate design process that considers all relevant factors.
Total Assessed: 26 students
Strong: 5
Competent: 11
Developing: 8
Needs Work: 2Activity: Assignment #1. Handout attached.
Assessment Method:
Assessment was based on the overall mark out of 10 on this design assignment.
(Grade resolution was 0.5 marks.)Strong: 9.0 – 10.0
Competent: 7.0 – 8.5
Developing: 5.0 – 6.5
Needs Work: < 5.0